ARTS-2024-week27 0701-0707

Algorithm 算法


Review 复审(英语)

Specialization is a good thing 专业是一件好事

I’m all for specialization! The society has come a long way from subsistence agriculture and that’s almost objectively a good thing. The economy organizes people into different trades and different professions and lets people benefit from their comparative advantage.


There were a few replies (and subtweets) misunderstanding my tweet as an argument against specialization. Which is a bit frustrating, because I think it’s pretty useless to argue against for or against specialization. Clearly, neither extreme is good? Like, subsistance agriculture isn’t great, but you could imagine going in the other extreme and organizing the society around people doing exactly one thing well and nothing else.


A restaurant could have one chef who only chops onions, another one who only souffles things, another one who only makes apple tarts. If this sounds dumb, then it’s because it’s intentionally hyperbolic! My point is, neither extreme is good, so the question is: what’s the right level of specialization?


Specialization is a good thing


I’m all for specialization! The society has come a long way from subsistence agriculture and that’s almost objectively a good thing. The economy organizes people into different trades and different professions and lets people benefit from their comparative advantage.


There were a few replies (and subtweets) misunderstanding my tweet as an argument against specialization. Which is a bit frustrating, because I think it’s pretty useless to argue against for or against specialization. Clearly, neither extreme is good? Like, subsistance agriculture isn’t great, but you could imagine going in the other extreme and organizing the society around people doing exactly one thing well and nothing else.


A restaurant could have one chef who only chops onions, another one who only souffles things, another one who only makes apple tarts. If this sounds dumb, then it’s because it’s intentionally hyperbolic! My point is, neither extreme is good, so the question is: what’s the right level of specialization?


subsistence agriculture pottery vs pretty economy objectively trades professions benefit comparative advantage frustrating extreme chops intentionally hyperbolic

Tip 小技巧

ish 用的 ash shell ,可以在home目录下,配置 .profile 文件,内容如下

if [ -f ~/.ashrc ]; then
    source ~/.ashrc

再创建 .ashrc 文件,这样就可以在启动虚拟机(ish)的时候,做一些事情(开机启动)。 目前做的需求就是,启动的时候,自动拉取git仓库。

也做了一个别名,这样能方便操作。别名配置在 /etc/profile.d/

alias gl='cd ~/path && git pull'

这个其实也可以放在 ~/.ashrc 里,只是开始不知道这个文件什么时候才能生效。

Share 技术分享


七、运维工程师的出路 随着传统的运维角色的消失,现有的运维工程师必然面临着转型,不外乎有三种出路可以选择。

  • (1)如果喜欢开发业务软件,可以选择成为 DevOps 工程师。
  • (2)如果喜欢开发平台软件,可以选择做平台工程,专注于基础设施的整合。
  • (3)如果更喜欢硬件和底层,可以选择加入"基础设施即服务"(IaaS)的云公司,深入研究基础设施。


todo list 一直在用,但在做一些大任务的时候,总是会卡壳。拖延症非常严重,结局几乎都是拖到最后放弃。 这两天发现可能根本原因还是专注力,因为当有多个大任务的时候,大脑总是希望能快速完成,然后来休息。 但事实却是每一件事情都要花费大概几个小时,几天,甚至更久来完成。 而且不止一个任务,比如阅读django源码,学习k8s。任务很大,没有拆解成一个具体的task,无法估算时间,于是开始无限拖延。 这两天想到的对策就是拆成一个小的task,且只完成一个task,不去多想。就像马拉松一样,只要关心跑到下一个马路牙子,剩下的就是坚持。 只去做一个简单的任务,规划好,不去想太多。


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